办公室 Office:
195 DongFeng Avenue, Enshi City, Hubei Province, China
Uncle Cai, as EnshiYuLu ICH Bearer, makes his own teas. 恩施玉露传承人蔡老伯自己制作的茶 https://www.yulu-tea.com
恩施贡芽: 1. 采用恩施本地茶树的独芽. 2. 在茶水中直立 4. 制作工艺 - 薄摊吐芳,轻炒保色,理条造形,轻揉促质,低温透香 3. 由恩施玉露传承人蔡老伯监制; 含25袋4克真空包装小包, 另外含一级玉露,硒茶,云松红小包供比较.
Enshi Buds Green Tea is manually picked with one bud to one unopened leaf from the local leaflet. The leaves of this buds green tea must undergoa series of complicated process in order to become a high-quality drinkable product. In order to preserve the taste of the tea, during the first de-enzyming step the leaves must not be excessively kneaded, and should do so under the supervision of professional tea makers so you can enjoy the bud blooming in the tea Enshi gyokuro's certified ICH beare. The loose tea lef will float in vertical posture in the tea cup.
Vacuum 4g package and also has samples of Enshi YuLu #1, the Redwood , and the Enshi Se for comparison.
办公室 Office:
195 DongFeng Avenue, Enshi City, Hubei Province, China