办公室 Office:
195 DongFeng Avenue, Enshi City, Hubei Province, China
Uncle Cai, as EnshiYuLu ICH Bearer, makes his own teas. 恩施玉露传承人蔡老伯自己制作的茶 https://www.yulu-tea.com
Enshi Dragonwell / LongJing Green Tea - Loose Leaf , made of one bud & one leaf from LongJing 43 cultivar and by the ICH bearer Uncle Cai. 由蔡老伯采用龙井工艺, 使用1芽一叶制作. 茶叶摘自恩施大峡谷龙井43茶树.
Vacuum 4g package and also has samples of Enshi YuLu #1, the Redwood , and the Se for comparison.
办公室 Office:
195 DongFeng Avenue, Enshi City, Hubei Province, China